We do the hard work for you


Creating personalised nutrition plans for clients is time-consuming and most of all extremely challenging.

We help busy practitioners provide highly personalised and effective nutrition plans for their clients at the click of a mouse. 

By using Metabolic Balance within your practice, you are able to easily present the ideal food list and menu plan for your client to follow saving you valuable time and resources. You are able to build a highly profitable and successful practice whilst helping your clients achieve long term health and wellbeing.

Practitioner testimonial

"After the birth of my second child I struggled to lose the pregnancy weight. Even after 2 years, I was the same weight I was when I was full term with my first child. It was in part bad habits (cue regular wine and cheese wind down evenings after the kids went to bed), but I was eating well most of the time and exercising 3-4 times a week.

The weight itself wasn’t the issue for me… I just became really uncomfortable in my body. Nothing fit, I had to go out and buy bigger clothes. I lacked the energy and spark I used to have. I started to get joint pain. Juggling work, family life and uni as I upgraded my qualifications left me exhausted. Being a healthcare practitioner, I knew the health markers to look for and I didn’t want to wait until things progressed into a disease state or I completely burnt out. I knew I couldn’t keep up living like this and refused to believe that this was just “mum life”.

I had seen many colleagues using Metabolic Balance with great success over the years so I took the leap to invest in my business to become certified. I couldn’t wait to try the program on myself! I loved the kickstart it gave me back into healthier habits. Within 2 months I lost 10 kilos and reached my goal weight. I’m not the size 8 I used to be before I had kids and I don't need to be, but my energy and spark are back, the joint pain is gone, I can fit back into most of my old wardrobe and best of all I feel GOOD again.

When I am feeling my best, I am a better Mum, better wife and better at helping my clients! My confidence is back, I can handle the juggle of modern life, and I’m not stressed about my health anymore.

I love seeing the same physical, mental and emotional transformations in my clients!"

Georgie Lane, Prana Health

Our Certification Program is now more accessible with 100% online learning


  • Metabolic Balance certification is only available for qualified practitioners.
  • All MB practitioners in Australia and New Zealand require an advanced diploma or higher degree in a nutrition modality such as Clinical Nutrition or Naturopathy, Medical practitioners with nutritional and environmental functional medicine education are also ideal.
  • All MB practitioners require an active professional association membership and indemnity insurance for practice.
  • It is essential that all practitioners have undertaken clinical skills training as part of their nutrition qualifications.
  • Our 16-lessons Scientific Basis and Medical Fundamentals are offered via the Metabolic Balance e-Training Institute. Here we cover the how and why Metabolic Balance works.
  • In the online live implementation webinars you will learn the practical application of Metabolic Balance. This includes optimal coaching techniques, a detailed understanding for plan creation, interpretation and delivery to your clients. We share exactly how to access tools available for supporting clients and the ideal marketing strategies to bring Metabolic Balance to your practice.

Why you need Metabolic Balance in your clinic...

Advantages for you

  • Expand your clinic tools for excellent client results
  • Enhances the uniqueness of your clinic
  • Fast return on investment
  • Simple integration in an existing practice or as a foundation for a business start-up
  • Scientifically validated by a study of the Hochrhein-Institut 2010
  • Tried and tested by practitioners around the world for over 20 years
  • Regular training opportunities
  • Professional support by the Metabolic Balance Team in Australia plus the Scientific Advisory Board
  • Ensures word of mouth referrals from satisfied clients
  • Easy access to group rates for pathology testing for all clients
  • Personal health benefits from following your own Metabolic Balance plan
  • As a scientifically validated and food only program, provides an excellent opportunity for collaboration with local medical centres and medical practitioners

Advantages for your clients

  • Completely focused on the individual health of your clients to increase their quality of life
  • Based on a detailed analysis of your client's current health
  • Use of exclusively natural foods and avoidance of additional products and food supplements in the nutrition plan
  • Clients gain genuine knowledge for which foods are right for them and how to eat real foods for ongoing health and wellbeing
  • Provides excellent results for long term health
  • Access to the Metabolic Balance app to support them in their health journey

A few key questions answered about practitioner training...

The training steps for Metabolic Balance certification


There are three components for training as a certified Metabolic Balance practitioner in Australia and New Zealand:

Part 1.

Complete the 16 module online training course to understand the theory behind Metabolic Balance. This typically takes 12-16 hours. There are two exams at the end of module 8 and module 16.

Part 2.

Complete the implementation training by attending the live webinar sessions over one weekend. During these webinars you will gain a comprehensive understanding of the practicalities of offering Metabolic Balance to your clients. We cover the best way to implement Metabolic Balance into your practice and support your clients whilst they follow their Metabolic Balance personalised nutrition plan. A detailed training manual and support materials are provided so you have an excellent resource to refer back to at any time.

Part 3.

All Metabolic Balance practitioners are encouraged to participate in the program to be able to personally experience the benefits of the program and hence be able to support clients fully through the program.

Post-training support.

Following completion of your training, all Metabolic Balance practitioners in Australia and New Zealand have access to the Metabolic Balance AU&NZ practitioner support online forum and are invited to join the monthly support webinars for ongoing learning via case studies; marketing support; coaching support (NLP training); problem brainstorming; guest speakers; latest research and theory updates to support practitioners on implementing the program in their practice for the first year.

We also have weekly drop-in zoom sessions to ask questions, talk through strategies for adjusting plans and programs for clients and sharing tips and tricks in practice. Personal one-on-one mentoring for all MB practitioners is also available with head practitioner Cherry Wills.

The ongoing support available to practitioners in Australia and New Zealand ensures excellent success for both you and your clients.

Our Implementation Webinar Training Dates for 2024


Part 1 of the certification for MB practitioners involves the theory training component. This is self-directed and may be started at a convenient time for you after enrolment. It must be completed prior to joining an implementation webinar training. The theory component takes approximately 12 hours of study.

Part 2 of the certification for MB practitioners is attendance to the implementation webinars. These webinars are hosted over two days (Thursday and Friday) and are scheduled for the following dates.

The scheduled dates for 2024 are:

February 8th/9th  - Complete
April 18th/19th  - Complete
May 30th/31st  - Complete
July 25th/26th  - Spaces available (sign up deadline Tues 9th July 2024)
September 19th/20th - Spaces available
November 21st/22nd - Spaces available






Please ensure you book your preferred implementation training as soon as possible to avoid disappointment. We may occasionally add in extra dates for the implementation training and so do always register your interest so we can assess if and when extra dates are needed.

*Enrolment for training with Metabolic Balance ANZ is via application only. Metabolic Balance ANZ reserve the right to refuse an application. Metabolic Balance ANZ reserve the right to change implementation webinar training dates with reasonable notice. Latest update: 17th April 2024


2020 Training Award

Metabolic Balance ANZ won the X Factor Training Award sponsored by NATEX and FX Medicine in February 2020

FAQs for Practitioner certification

The Metabolic Balance program is a personalised nutrition system that devises a food list from an individual’s blood results, health goals, medical history, current medication, body measurements and food preferences.

In 2014-2015, a staggering 63.4% of Australian adults were overweight or obese -- well over half of our nation's population. That's almost two in three adults. Compare this to 1995, when it was 56.3%. It’s clear to see the problem is getting worse.

Metabolic conditions such as diabetes, cardiovascular conditions, cancer, dementia, hypertension, dyslipidaemia and so on are all increasing in our society with an heightened recognition of the role nutrition and lifestyle choices play in their aetiology.

Devising personalised meal plans and food lists is a genuinely complex and time-consuming task for practitioners. By introducing Metabolic Balance to your practice you have access to a scientifically validated method trusted by doctors and practitioners around the world to help resolve and improve metabolic conditions. You are able to easily and quickly provide your clients with an individualised and effective food only program so they get excellent results and you are able to sustain a successful natural health practice.

Metabolic Balance is a strictly practitioner only program in Australia and New Zealand.

All practitioners must have a minimum of an advanced diploma or preferably a degree in Naturopathy, Nutritional Medicine or Medicine. Other medical and natural therapy qualifications may be considered as appropriate and would be assessed on an individual basis.

All practitioners must have appropriate association membership and indemnity insurance.

As a Metabolic Balance practitioner, you have access to the online portal to generate the personalised menu plan and food list for your clients.

There is no software needed to be installed, managed or backed-up on your laptop. You simply need access to the internet.

Metabolic Balance is exclusively available as a 2-3 month package from a certified practitioner. The package includes the personalised food plan and 5 coaching consultations as a minimum. Depending on the health goal of the client or how much weight needs to be released, this support period can be extended as needed.

Metabolic Balance has a worldwide reputation that means clients regularly seek out and contact their nearest practitioner to access the program.

Each Metabolic Balance practitioner has an account with the pathology lab and collection service in their area affiliated with Metabolic Balance. This also provides access to the agreed rates for other nutritionally important pathology tests which are valuable for clients.

Metabolic Balance requires 36 blood parameters for generating the plan. The test panels required are

  • Full Blood Count
  • E/LFT
  • C-reactive protein
  • Amylase/Lipase
  • Creatinine Kinase
  • Iron studies
  • Thyroid Function Tests

It is a completely whole food program with no processed foods or supplements included. Clients receive a detailed list of their ideal protein sources, vegetables, and fruit. If a food is listed on their plan they can eat it, if it is not listed they can’t.

It is very easy for a client to follow given the right motivation and support. Clients must be willing to eat whole food only (fresh vegetables, fruit, good sources of whole protein, healthy fats and starches) with no gimmicks or meal replacement products.

It requires commitment but once on the program, clients report that it's easy to follow and means they don't have to think at all about what is or isn’t healthy for them. The quick results also ensure ongoing commitment.

There are no products/supplements associated with Metabolic Balance at all. It’s simply a highly personalised food list and menu plan.

Results for clients are dependent on adherence to the program and effective coaching and guidance from their personal Metabolic Balance practitioner. Naturally there are no guarantees however individuals typically experience improvements in their health within the first week of commencing the program.

Metabolic Balance is an extremely effective way to restore metabolic health and manage weight. The program allows the body to restore balance and release weight naturally for long term holistic mind and body health.

Metabolic Balance is a holistic well being program that naturally restores overall balance to the body. It has be shown to be highly beneficial for inflammatory conditions including metabolic syndrome, cardiovascular health, hormone balance, skin health and mental health problems. Weight loss naturally results from improved overall balance and health.

There is no expensive equipment or set up costs beyond a good set of scales, a stadiometer (height measure), a tape measure, access to the internet and a printer to print off your client’s plans.

Metabolic Balance may be offered to clients in personalised one-on-one sessions, online or in a group setting by a certified practitioner.

As a Metabolic Balance practitioner in Australia and New Zealand, you have 12 month’s ongoing mentoring to ensure you are completely confident in offering Metabolic Balance in your practice.

This mentoring includes

  1. Access to the Metabolic Balance AU&NZ practitioner support online forum
  2. Access to 12 monthly live webinars for ongoing learning via case studies; marketing support; coaching (NLP training) support; problem brainstorming; guest speakers; latest research and theory updates to support practitioners on implementing the program in their practice.
  3. Weekly appointment times available to book for one-on-one support

Further support is provided by access to ready-to-use marketing material including pull-up banners, posters, client leaflets and powerpoint presentations to educate and attract new clients.

The training investment

Metabolic Balance is a practitioner only program and full details of the investment and practical implementation of Metabolic Balance is available for qualified practitioners only after confirmation of your qualifications,

Metabolic Balance is possibly the most valuable clinic tool you will bring into your practice. This is not only in terms of the value you provide to your clients with results for their health but also in terms of a secure and thriving business model for you, the practitioner.

Practitioners like you, only want something that works and helps their clients. So remember, Metabolic Balance has grown organically through word of mouth from practitioner to practitioner, client to client for over 20 years. It is a program that is loved by practitioners in over 35 countries and has been translated into 22 languages. These facts alone demonstrate the value of the Metabolic Balance analysis and the value of taking the time to find out more.

Once you have registered your details and your qualifications have been confirmed, you will receive a series of five emails detailing all further information and costs you need to know. Each email contains a link to book a chat to ask any questions you may have. 

Please note we are a small support team in Australia and New Zealand and will only contact you when you ask us to contact you. You are able to unsubscribe at any time from further communication from us.

How our head practitioner, Cherry Wills, brought Metabolic Balance to her private practice

"I knew I needed a way to help clients with sustainable, healthy weight loss and their metabolic health. My clients were asking me to help them lose weight and I knew, if we could do this naturally and healthily, so much more could potentially improve for all aspects of their current and future health. I've never been interested in fad diets or questionable meal replacement options or to tell clients anything that wasn't going to work for them, I wanted to give my clients the results they needed to have. It had to be ethical, sustainable and above all work.

So whilst it was weight loss results that first drew me to Metabolic Balance, it was the endless health benefits that personalised nutrition has given to my clients that continues to fuel my passion for Metabolic Balance. 

I never tire of seeing and hearing about the results that Metabolic Balance and the right food gives to people,

In 2017 I took the leap from being a passionate practitioner to managing Metabolic Balance ANZ. Now being able to empower fellow practitioners be able to teach their clients personalised nutrition is simply the best. One client at a time, we are spreading the message that food really is the best medicine."

Cherry Wills, CEO Metabolic Balance Australia and New Zealand

We'd love to hear from you

So if Metabolic Balance has piqued your interest, we'd love to hear from you. 

Metabolic Balance is a truly personalised and scientifically-validated nutrition solution that seeks to educate and empower people to reach their potential through learning about their ideal food.

Becoming a Metabolic Balance certified practitioner is an investment in your professional knowledge, business development, personal health and long term future. 

Register your interest below to confirm your qualifications - we're very much looking forward to welcoming you to the Australian and New Zealand Metabolic Balance community of functional medicine practitioners!